John Brooks

John Brooks graduated from the University of Montana with a degree in wildlife biology in 1981 being the first American of African descent to receive a wildlife biology degree from this university.
He began work with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the wildlife refuge manager series in Montana, Wyoming, and North Dakota.

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Founder Director

Professional Title

Wildlife Biologist, Filmmaker & Climate Citizen


I am John Brooks


United States


John Brooks graduated from the University of Montana with a degree in wildlife biology in 1981 being the first American of African descent to receive a wildlife biology degree from this university.

He began work with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the wildlife refuge manager series in Montana, Wyoming, and North Dakota

John later transferred into the Division of Law Enforcement as a wildlife inspector and later, special agent.

His career as a special agent saw him stationed in five different states, including three years as a senior special agent for international affairs in Washington D.C. He later received training as a computer forensic specialist and also served as an augmented U.S. Air Marshal in 2001, directly after the World Trade Center attack.

John also represented the agency as an athletic participant in the International law Enforcement Olympics in Columbus, Ohio, Sydney, Australia, and Washington, D.C. His hobbies have always included musical studies, foreign language studies, book writing, international travel, and filmmaking.

John Brooks retired from federal service in 2008 and formed the Nepal Tiger Project. A presence/absence study for signs of tigers in Nepal’s Himalaya foothills.

In 2012, John Brooks ran for the U.S. House of Representatives as a direct result of the Occupy Wall Street movement and again in 2020, to address the global warming crisis. People who know John Brooks well call him “the most interesting man in the universe.”